Welcome to TaleSpire, a beautiful way to play pen and paper RPGs online.

This guide takes you through the steps to get TaleSpire on your Mac.

We strongly suggest you read the "What's an Early Access?", "Requirements" and "Known Issues and Limitations" sections at the bottom of this page before buying TaleSpire. If, however, you already know what's up and are ready to proceed, let's begin!

Step 1: Install Steam

If you don't yet have Steam, simply go to https://store.steampowered.com/about/ , and click the "INSTALL STEAM" button to download the install package.
Running the package will show you the install window. Just drag Steam to the Applications folder to complete the installation.

Step 2: Install TaleSpire

If you already own TaleSpire, open your Steam Library, select TaleSpire, and click the "INSTALL" button. The game will installed, and then you are ready to go!

If you supported the Kickstarter at a level that got you access, your BackerKit keys work for Mac too (You don't need to buy again). If you have any issues, please reach out to us at: support@talespire.com

If you do not own a copy of TaleSpire, please click the "Buy on Steam" button below to be taken to the TaleSpire page. Alternatively, you can search for "TaleSpire" in Steam to find our page there.

Step 3: Play!

Click the "PLAY" button to begin.
Create and join your campaign
Build a board using things in the library and creations from community sites like talesbazaar and talestavern.
You can even download entirely community-made boards there.
Invite friends and start your adventure!
TaleSpire contains some built-in tutorials, and you can also find community-created guides online, such as this one! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLL5K8NQZ2OibCujR85T41BK2bNWE5AfLt

Step 4: Discover More!

TaleSpire's strength is in its community. Here is a sample of what is out there.

Community Creations

Check out https://talestavern.com/ and https://talesbazaar.com/ to find huge numbers of free boards and slabs that you can bring into your campaigns with a single click!

For example in this guide we used:
Istallri Astra's and Scarnor's - City Glitch
Corrupted_Vessel's - Snow Ambush
A guy who does RPG's - Post-apocalyptic city square

The Discord Server

Join over 29000 other folks to share tips, show creations, and talk shop. (Click here to join.)

Community made Mods

One of the big goals for TaleSpire this year is modding. In mere months since the launch of our embedded mods (named Symbiotes), the community has started working on a slew of additional features that you can browse and install without even leaving the board. 
You can also find them online at: https://mod.io/g/talespire

Step 5: Provide feedback?

We love to hear from you. It is no exaggeration to say that TaleSpire has been fundamentally changed by community feedback. The team is usually on the Discord server during work hours, but if you have suggestions or issues to report, the best place by far to visit is https://feedback.talespire.com
There, you can find boards for reporting bugs, requesting new kinds of assets, and making feature requests.


Thanks for making it this far. We truly hope TaleSpire becomes something that helps you and your party's adventures.
Just remember, the story comes first. So whether you play with TaleSpire or without, we hope you have a great time!

What's an Early Access

Early Access is a way to support a game's development by purchasing the game before it is fully featured. In return, you get access to TaleSpire earlier than you would otherwise, and if you so choose, you can help shape the game by providing feedback and feature requests directly to the team.
The flip side is that you can run into bugs that would have been resolved by the time of the full release.
We at Bouncyrock have been blessed by our community, who, through Early Access and Kickstarter, are allowing us to take TaleSpire far further than we ever expected!


TaleSpire requires an Apple silicon desktop or laptop to run. If you have an older, Intel-based Mac, TaleSpire will sadly not work. With the project's scope and team size, we are unable to support all of the configurations. Sorry about that.

Known Issues and Limitations

The most noticeable limitation on Mac compared to Windows right now is performance. While capable, we don't feel we have tapped into the power available in M1's GPU. We will be digging into improving performance in future updates and are confident we can make significant improvements here.

Magic Mouse
We have limited support for the "magic mouse"; it works in two-button mode but not yet in single-button mode. Having looked around online, it seems that using the magic mouse is, in general, not popular for gaming, but if you want us to dig into it, please raise a ticket on our feature-request board.