Thanks for coming to check out this feature. Before we start, we must cover the essentials.

Critical warnings: please read

This branch contains unfinished features and bugs.

This branch is temporary and is backed by temporary servers. As such:

  • No boards or campaigns from the main branch are available.
  • Everything made on this branch will be destroyed at the end of the testing period.
  • Data may be cleared with very little notice if it aids in testing that brings the features closer to release.
  •  We will not be attempting to recover anything lost in the course of testing unless it helps us fix the provoking bugs.
  •  We do not guarantee any slabs will work from the main branch or vice versa. Often they will, but we likely will not be providing support for things damaged by moving slabs between branches.

If any of the above is an issue for you, please do not try this beta.

Reporting Bugs

This branch is all about the bugs, so we have set up a temporary bug reporting channel for reporting problems specific to this branch.

You can find it here:
Game Photo

Switching to the Beta branch

To switch to the beta branch, you do the following:

  •  Open Steam
  •  Right-click on TaleSpire
  •  Choose "Properties..."
  •  Switch to the "BETAS" tab
  •  Enter the password ce30ac25c3e648309002f
  •  Click the "Check Code" button
  •  Click on the blue "Opt Into" bar that appears

If it doesn't automatically switch the active beta for you, you can pick `testing-aoe` from the "Select the beta you would like to opt into:" drop-down.

Switching branch should enqueue a download for the Beta build of TaleSpire.

Leaving the Beta branch

To leave the beta branch, you do the following:
  •  Open Steam
  •  Right-click on TaleSpire
  •  Choose "Properties..."
  •  Switch to the "BETAS" tab
  • Choose "None" from the "Select the beta you would like to opt into:" drop-down.

This should enqueue a download for the standard build of TaleSpire.

Expected Behavior

This is just a small list of expected behavior. It does not cover everything but should give you a feel for what to test.
Game Photo
  • You should be able to configure the key that is used to turn a ruler into an AOE marker
Game Photo
  • GMs should be able to drag out a ruler and then use the keybinding to turn that ruler into a persistent AOE marker. (The default keybinding is the 'Insert' key)
Game Photo
  • GMs should be able to right-click on any handle of an AOE marker to open the radial menu and, from there, click "edit" to enter a mode where they can move the handles.
Game Photo
  • GMs should be able to right-click on any handle of an AOE marker to open the radial menu and, from there, click "rename" to open a dialog where they can give the AOE marker a name.
Game Photo
  • GMs should be able to right-click on any handle of an AOE marker to open the radial menu and, from there, click "remove" to remove an AOE marker.
Game Photo
  • AOE markers should be saved with the board, and be included in published boards.
Game Photo
  • Players should be able to see AOE marker and use the overlay to see their names. (The default overlay keybinding is the 'Tab' key)

Known issues

  • Because AOE markers currently use the same visuals as rulers it is too hard to tell which is which.
  • It is too hard to tell whether you are editing an AOE marker

Thank you!

Thanks for checking it out. We are very eager to get this to the rest of the community, and your help is much appreciated.

We'll see you in the bug reports :P