Thanks for coming to check out this feature. Before we start, we must cover the essentials.

Critical warnings: please read

This branch contains unfinished features and bugs.

This Beta is running against production servers. If you damage your boards they will not be reset to a working state at the end of the Beta.

We will not be attempting to recover anything lost in the course of testing unless it helps us fix the provoking bugs.

Please do not try this beta if you are unsure about taking on these risks.

Reporting Bugs

This branch is all about the bugs, so we have set up a temporary bug reporting channel for reporting problems specific to this branch.

You can find it here:

Switching to the Beta branch

To switch to the beta branch, you do the following:

  • Open Steam
  • Right-click on TaleSpire
  • Choose "Properties..."
  • Switch to the "BETAS" tab
  • Enter the password 78bf9df1c2844f4b99ae 
  • Click the "Check Code" button
  • Click on the blue "Opt Into" bar that appears

If it doesn't automatically switch the active beta for you, you can pick `slab-browser-beta ` from the "Select the beta you would like to opt into:" drop-down.

Switching branch should enqueue a download for the Beta build of TaleSpire.

Leaving the Beta branch

To leave the beta branch, you do the following:

  • Open Steam
  • Right-click on TaleSpire
  • Choose "Properties..."
  • Switch to the "BETAS" tab
  • Choose "None" from the "Select the beta you would like to opt into:" drop-down.

This should enqueue a download for the standard build of TaleSpire.

How to use other people's slabs

Open the community mod browser

Choose the slabs section

Click on any slab to bring it into the game

You can also hover your cursor over a mod to see more details.

This also works with Symbiote mods now!

How to publish your own slabs (setting up your account)

To publish a slab you currently require an account with is a service we use to host the official TaleSpire mod repository. 
In future we want to have community hosted mod repositories too.
You may also want to link an additional authentication method.

We prefer adding Steam as it allows TaleSpire to authenticate with using your Steam account, making for a nice experience.

You can click this link to open the linked accounts page
You then need to tell TaleSpire how to authenticate with

To do this, open the Settings panel, switch the Modding tab, and choose your sign-in method.

  • We currently support:
  • Steam
  • Email & Password
  • Auth via Device: This shows a QR code which you can scan with your phone. You then log into on your phone and TaleSpire is automagically authenticated
  • Auth Via Browser: This lets you sign into in the browser, at which point TaleSpire will be given approval

Then just follow the steps to authenticate your account.

pro-gamer-top-tip: Steam is the easiest way to authenticate if you linked your account in the last step.

How to publish your own slabs (for real this time)

Here is a quick overview of both publish and editting a slab. You can find a breakdown of all the steps below


Enter build mode and select the tiles and props you want to share using the normal selection tool.


Click the "Publish" button in the building tools panel


  • Frame your thumbnail image using the normal move controls.
  • Fill in the required details
  • Maybe choose whether the slab is public or private.
  • Click "Upload" to begin publishing


Wait as the upload progresses


Close the publish tool.

You can also click the "Visit mod in web browser" button to head to the page for your slab. 
There are a bunch of things you can't do from inside TaleSpire yet, so the site is very helpful.


Bask in the awesomeness of your new creation!

How to modify info about your slab

  1. Open the community mods browser
  2. Go to the published mods category
  3. Choose the slabs repository
  4. Click the pen icon to enter edit mode for the mod
5. Edit the details you wish to change
6. Press the "Update" button to start applying the change

Note on modifying slab info

There are (currently) not many things about the slab that can be changed inside TaleSpire. 
You can also click the world icon to open the page for your creation. There you have full control.

Known issues

  • The publish tool looks bad when the horizontal resolution is 1024 and lower
  • The UI styling in the settings is inconsistent
  • How to move to frame the shot is not obvious
  • The cut plane may interfere with taking the shot when in publish mode
  • Lights from creatures are still visible

Thank you!

Thank you for trying this out
We are delighted to get this to the rest of the community as quickly as possible, and your help is much appreciated.

We'll see you in the bug reports :P